Learn how working with EZ Page looks in a few simple steps

Collaboration Process

Step One

Setting the terms

First, we establish the terms of our collaboration: the scope of services, content of the website, application, or store, number of subpages, list of requirements, technology to be used, and – most importantly – your budget for the entire project. At this stage, we also assess your needs – specifically who the product is aimed at and what its goal is

Step Two

Signing the agreement

In the next step, we sign an agreement for the creation of the website, store, or application. We document all the arrangements made in the previous step. The Polish Civil Code allows for the use of electronic communication as a form of documentation, so we don’t need to sign a written agreement – unless you prefer to do so. At this step, we propose a 20% deposit to commence work on the project

Step Three


According to the agreed timeline, a test version of your website, store, or application will appear on our server. It will be filled with sample data and images but will match your guidelines in terms of structure, color scheme, and overall appearance. We aim for your satisfaction, so we will move to the next step only after your final approval of the “prototype”

Step Four

Content filling

The sample data from the “prototype” will be replaced with your prepared texts and images. Remember, you can continuously make adjustments to the project – such as the structure or layout of individual subpages

Step Five

Final product delivery

After uploading the content, we deliver the final version of your digital product according to the agreed terms and deadlines. We transfer everything from the test server to the production server and await your approval. Only after your approval do we issue an invoice for the remaining 80% of the project value.

As an optional service, we can also provide maintenance and development services (SLA – Service Level Agreement)

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