We'll Create Your Place on the Internet

We specialize in developing custom-tailored websites, web applications, and online stores to meet your specific needs

What We Do?

Online Stores

Launch your online sales

We implement professional and comprehensive online stores using an intuitive and user-friendly content management platform. You can easily add your products and manage payments

Websites and Applications

Create your place on the Web

Want to showcase yourself, your passion, or your business to the world? We’d love to design and deploy your personal website or web application, where you can feature anything you wish

Rely on experience

We are E-commerce Practitioners

Since 2019, we have been operating our own online store

The entire system is automated, scalable, and profitable from day one, designed to be managed by a single person!

In 2023, our e-commerce generated approximately EUR 350,000 in net revenue. Discover the details of our implementation!

We developed a comprehensive educational platform

In 2023, we designed an LMS system enabling effective learning and the purchase of training materials and consultations for the broadly defined accounting industry

The product is continuously being enhanced with new features

Looks interesting so far?

Price Your Project Today

Our Portfolio

Choose an implementation to learn more

How much does it cost?

EZ Page Sample Price List


starting at 440
EUR net
  • A single-page website
  • Domain registration: YES
  • Contact form: YES
  • Blog: NO
  • Analytics: NO
  • Languages: 1
  • Support & maintenance: NO


starting at 830
EUR net
  • A website with 5 subpages
  • Domain registration: YES
  • Contact form: YES
  • Blog: NO
  • Analytics: GA4
  • Languages: 1
  • Support & maintenance: NO


starting at 1500
EUR net
  • 50 products and 3 subpages
  • Domain registration: YES
  • Contact form: YES
  • Blog: NO
  • Analytics: GA4, MailerLite
  • Languages: 1
  • Support & maintenance: 3 MONTHS


starting at 2100
EUR net
  • Sample app: a system for user registration and management with email notifications
  • Domain registration: YES
  • Blog: NO
  • Analytics: GA4, GSC, Pixel, MailerLite
  • Languages: 1
  • Support & maintenance: 6 MONTHS

These are just sample options!

Price Your Own Digital Product Today

Model Collaboration Process

See how we collaborate with our clients in five incredibly simple steps

1. Setting the terms

2. Signing the contract

3. Prototyping

4. Filling with content

5. Site acceptance

We'll design a range of features to help your business grow

A Multitude of Beneficial Functionalities

Blog module

Effortlessly manage your posts, articles, and reflections with user-friendly interface

Web forms

Not just simple contact forms, but also complex ones with programmable logic


We can integrate external Google tools to track user behavior, providing valuable insights

SEO Optimization

We implement tools to help position you in Google search results

Photo Galleries

We create visually striking image galleries to effectively display your portfolio


Don't worry about your site—we'll update the CMS system and its subsystems


We will handle the procurement and renewal of your domain for a duration that best suits your needs


We reserve space for your site or store on our high-performance server


We offer training sessions to help you master the functionality of your website, application, or store

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